Tìm giáo viên

Hồ sơ của thầy/ cô なな

  • Quốc gia đang sinh sống
    日本 (Japan)
Giáo viên なな
Giới tính Nữ giới
Loại bài học
Ngôn ngữ có thể nói được
Tự giới thiệu bản thân こんにちは! 初めまして。ななです。





Hello, Nice to meet you. I'm Nana.
I live in Japan.

I taught Japanese at a Japanese language school and an International school and so on. I have taught from beginner to advanced students.
In addition, I have taught Japanese as a volunteer teacher including face to face and on line private lessons. Totally, I have 5 and half years' teaching experience.
I also worked at a trading company, so I can teach business Japanese and manner.
I majored in language teaching at a graduate school(University of Technology Sydney=UTS) in Sydney, Australia and am qualified to teach Japanese at secondary school(junior and high school) in New South Wales, Australia (Of course, I have also Japanese teaching qualification of Japan. )
As I learned how to teach Japanese by Japanese and English in Japan and Australia, I can teach Japanese by both Japanese and English.
I can teach from children to adults( I have taught from kindergarten students to adults) .
As I have nursery teacher's qualification too, I welcome infants-students as well.
Regarding textbooks, I will use Irodori(free online textbook) or GENKI(If you wanto to use other textbooks, please let me know it.).
You can download Irodori from the following site( https://www.irodori.jpf.go.jp/).
If you do not want to study with a textbook, I will make original handouts based on your demand.
I have taught Japanese to students from China, Korea, Australia, India and Philippines and so on.
Let's enjoy studying Japanese♪
Please feel free to contact me!

Chứng chỉ, quá trình kinh nghiệm 日本語教師養成講座420時間修了
シドニー工科大学大学院、教育学部、第二言語教授学科卒業 準修士号取得(オーストラリアのニューサウスウェールズ州のセカンダリースクールでの日本語教授資格も取得)